supplychainpy package



supplychainpy.launch_reports module

class supplychainpy.launch_reports.ReportsLauncher

Bases: threading.Thread

Launches reporting lauch panel


Prints launch message

class supplychainpy.launch_reports.SupplychainpyReporting(master)

Bases: object

Creates report launcher gui, to launch browser and using flask local server. Allows port number to be changed.


Checks if port number is specified, then validates port number.


Exits reports

supplychainpy.launch_reports.launch_browser(event, url: str)

Launches web browser

supplychainpy.launch_reports.launch_load_report(file: str, location: str = None)
supplychainpy.launch_reports.launch_report(location: str = None, port: int = 5000, host: str = '')
supplychainpy.launch_reports.launch_report_server(location: str = None, port: int = 5000, host: str = '')
supplychainpy.launch_reports.load_db(file: str, location: str = None)

supplychainpy.model_decision module

supplychainpy.model_decision.analytical_hierarchy_process(criteria: tuple, criteria_scores: list, options: tuple, option_scores: dict, quantitative_criteria: tuple = None, **kwargs)

Compute an analytical hierarchy for alternative choices based on relative weights and priorities of categories.

  • criteria (tuple) – List the criteria to base decision between alternative choices.
  • criteria_scores (list) – List the scores for the criteria as a list of tuples, the reciprocals are auto-calculated.
  • options (tuple) – The alternative otpions to decide between.
  • option_scores (dict) – A dict of tuples scoring the alternatives. The tuple order must mirror the ‘alternative’ argument tuple.
  • quantitative_criteria (tuple) – List the quantitative criteria e.g. ‘fuel economy’, that use representative values and not scores
  • **kwargs – item_cost (dict): A dict of alternatives and their corresponding costs. Only necessary if seeking to use cost benefit ratios for further discretion.

Summary of analytical hierarchy and cost benefit analysis if kwargs ‘item_cost’ used.

Return type:



>>> lorry_cost = {'scania': 68000,'iveco': 79000,'volvo': 59000,'navistar': 66000}
>>> criteria = ('style', 'reliability', 'fuel_economy')
>>> criteria_scores = [(1, 1 / 2, 3), (0, 1, 4), (0, 0, 1)]
>>> options = ('scania', 'iveco', 'volvo', 'navistar')
>>> options_scores ={'reliability': [(1, 2, 5, 1), (1 / 2, 1, 3, 2), (1 / 5, 1 / 3, 1, 1 / 4), (1, 1 / 2, 4, 1)],
...     'style': [(1, 1 / 4, 4, 1 / 6), (4, 1, 4, 1 / 4),(1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1, 1 / 5), (6, 4, 5, 1)],
...     'fuel_economy': (62, 55, 56, 56)}
>>> lorry_decision = analytical_hierarchy_process(criteria= criteria, criteria_scores=criteria_scores,
...     options= options, option_scores=options_scores, quantitative_criteria=('fuel_economy',),
...     item_cost = lorry_cost)

supplychainpy.model_demand module

supplychainpy.model_demand.holts_trend_corrected_exponential_smoothing_forecast(demand: list, alpha: float, gamma: float, forecast_length: int = 4, initial_period: int = 6, optimise: bool = True) → dict

Performs a holt’s trend corrected exponential smoothing forecast on known demand

  • demand (list) – Original historical demand.
  • alpha (float) – smoothing constant
  • gamma (float) –
  • forecast_length (int) –
  • initial_period (int) –
  • optimise (bool) – Flag for using solver. Default is set to True.

Simple exponential forecast.

Return type:


supplychainpy.model_demand.holts_trend_corrected_exponential_smoothing_forecast_from_file(file_path: str, file_type: str, length: int, alpha: float, gamma: float, **kwargs) → dict
  • file_path – Path to source file.
  • file_type – File type.
  • length – Number of periods in data source (Jan..Dec = 12).
  • alpha
  • gamma
  • **kwargs


supplychainpy.model_demand.simple_exponential_smoothing_forecast(demand: list, smoothing_level_constant: float = 0.5, optimise: bool = True, forecast_length: int = 5, initial_estimate_period: int = 6, **kwargs) → dict

Performs a simple exponential smoothing forecast on historical demand.

  • forecast_length (int) – Number of periods to extend the forecast.
  • demand (list) – Original historical demand.
  • smoothing_level_constant (float) – Alpha value
  • initial_estimate_period (int) – Number of period to use to derive an average for the initial estimate.
  • **ds (pd.DataFrame) – Data frame with raw data.
  • **optimise (bool) –

Simple exponential forecast

Return type:



>>> from supplychainpy.model_demand import simple_exponential_smoothing_forecast
>>> orders = [165, 171, 147, 143, 164, 160, 152, 150, 159, 169, 173, 203, 169, 166, 162, 147, 188, 161, 162,
...           169, 185, 188, 200, 229, 189, 218, 185, 199, 210, 193, 211, 208, 216, 218, 264, 304]
>>> ses = simple_exponential_smoothing_forecast(demand=orders, alpha=0.5, forecast_length=6, initial_period=18)
supplychainpy.model_demand.simple_exponential_smoothing_forecast_from_file(file_path: str, file_type: str, length: int, smoothing_level_constant: float = 0.5, forecast_length=5, optimise: bool = True) → dict

Performs a simple exponential smoothing forecast on historical demand from file using a generator.

  • file_path (str) – Path to source file.
  • file_type (str) – File type.
  • length (int) – Number of periods in data source (Jan..Dec = 12).
  • smoothing_level_constant (int) – Alpha value for forecast.
  • forecast_length (int) – Number of periods to extend the forecast.
  • optimise (bool) – Optimisation flag for exponential smoothing forecast.

Simple exponential forecast.

Return type:


supplychainpy.model_distribution module

supplychainpy.model_inventory module

supplychainpy.model_inventory.analyse(currency: str, z_value: decimal.Decimal = 1.28, reorder_cost: decimal.Decimal = 10, interval_length: int = 12, interval_type: str = 'month', **kwargs)

Performs several types of common inventory analysis on the raw demand data. Including safety stock, reorder levels.

  • currency (Decimal) – Currency the raw data is stored in.
  • z_value (Decimal) – Service level requirement
  • reorder_cost (Decimal) – Cost to place a reorder based on the cost of operations over the period
  • interval_length (Decimal) – The number of periods the demand data is grouped into e.g. 12 (months)
  • interval_type (Decimal) – months, weeks,days, years, quarters.
Keyword Arguments:
  • **df (pd.DataFrame) – Pandas DataFrame containing the raw data in the correct format.
  • **file_path (str) – Path to csv or txt file containing formatted data.

Analysis of inventory profile.

Return type:



>>> from supplychainpy.model_inventory import analyse
>>> from supplychainpy.sample_data.config import ABS_FILE_PATH
>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> analysed_data = analyse(file_path=ABS_FILE_PATH['COMPLETE_CSV_SM'],
...                         z_value=Decimal(1.28),
...                         reorder_cost=Decimal(400),
...                         retail_price=Decimal(455),
...                         file_type='csv',
...                         currency='USD')
>>> analysis = [demand.orders_summary() for demand in analysed_data]
>>> # Example using pandas DataFrame.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> raw_df = pd.read_csv(ABS_FILE_PATH['COMPLETE_CSV_SM'])
>>> analyse_kv = dict(
...     df=raw_df,
...     start=1,
...     interval_length=12,
...     interval_type='months',
...     z_value=Decimal(1.28),
...     reorder_cost=Decimal(400),
...     retail_price=Decimal(455),
...     file_type='csv',
...     currency='USD'
... )
>>> analysis_df = analyse(**analyse_kv)
supplychainpy.model_inventory.analyse_orders(data_set: dict, sku_id: str, lead_time: decimal.Decimal, unit_cost: decimal.Decimal, reorder_cost: decimal.Decimal, z_value: decimal.Decimal, retail_price: decimal.Decimal, quantity_on_hand: decimal.Decimal, currency: str = 'USD') → dict

Analyse orders data for one sku using a dictionary.

Analyses orders data for a single sku using the values in the data_set dict.

  • data_set (dict) – The orders data for a specified period.
  • sku_id (str) – The unique id of the sku.
  • lead_time (Decimal) – The average lead-time for the sku over the period represented by the data, in the same unit.
  • unit_cost (Decimal) – The unit cost of the sku to the organisation.
  • reorder_cost (Decimal) – The cost to place a reorder. This is usually the cost of the operation divided by number of purchase orders placed in the previous period.
  • z_value (Decimal) – The service level required to calculate the safety stock.
  • retail_price (Decimal) – The retail or standard price of the sku.
  • quantity_on_hand (Decimal) – The quantity currently on hand as of analysis or retrieving data set.
  • currency (str) – Currency of source raw data.

The summary of the analysis.

{‘ABC_XYZ_Classification’: ‘AX’, ‘reorder_quantity’: ‘258’, ‘revenue’: ‘2090910.44’, ‘average_order’: ‘539’, ‘reorder_level’: ‘813’, ‘economic_order_quantity’: ‘277’, ‘sku’: ‘RR381-33’, ‘demand_variability’: ‘0.052’, ‘economic_order_variable_cost’: ‘29557.61’, ‘standard_deviation’: ‘28’, ‘safety_stock’: ‘51’}

Return type:



ValueError – Dataset too small. Please use a minimum of 3 entries.


>>> from supplychainpy.model_inventory import analyse_orders
>>> from supplychainpy.sample_data.config import ABS_FILE_PATH
>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> yearly_demand = {'jan': 75, 'feb': 75, 'mar': 75, 'apr': 75, 'may': 75, 'jun': 75, 'jul': 25,
...                 'aug': 25, 'sep': 25, 'oct': 25, 'nov': 25, 'dec': 25}
>>> summary = analyse_orders(yearly_demand,
...                          sku_id='RX983-90',
...                          lead_time=Decimal(3),
...                          unit_cost=Decimal(50.99),
...                          reorder_cost=Decimal(400),
...                          z_value=Decimal(1.28),
...                          retail_price=Decimal(600),
...                          quantity_on_hand=Decimal(390))
supplychainpy.model_inventory.analyse_orders_abcxyz_from_file(file_path: str, z_value: decimal.Decimal, reorder_cost: decimal.Decimal, file_type: str = 'text', period: str = 'month', length: int = 12, currency: str = 'USD') → list

Analyse orders data from file and returns ABCXYZ analysis

Analyses orders data for a single sku, using the values from a file arranged in columns.The data should be arranged in two columns, 1 for the period and the other for the corresponding data-point.

  • file_path (str) – The path to the file containing two columns of data, 1 period and 1 data-point for 1 sku.
  • reorder_cost (Decimal) – The average lead-time for the sku over the period represented by the data, in the same unit.
  • length (int) – The number of periods in the data-ser referenced from the second column of the row onwards.
  • reorder_cost – The cost to place a reorder. This is usually the cost of the operation divided by number of purchase orders placed in the previous period.
  • z_value (Decimal) – The service level required to calculate the safety stock
  • file_type (str) – Type of ‘file csv’ or ‘text’
  • period (str) – The period of time the data points are bucketed into.
  • currency (str) –

An AbcXyz class object is returned.

Return type:


  • Exception – Incorrect file type specified. Please specify ‘csv’ or ‘text’ for the file_type parameter.
  • Exception – Unspecified file type, Please specify ‘csv’ or ‘text’ for file_type parameter.


>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> from supplychainpy.model_inventory import analyse_orders_from_file_col
>>> from supplychainpy.sample_data.config import ABS_FILE_PATH
>>> abc = analyse_orders_abcxyz_from_file(file_path=ABS_FILE_PATH['COMPLETE_CSV_SM'],
...                                                          z_value=Decimal(1.28),
...                                                          reorder_cost=Decimal(5000),
...                                                          file_type="csv")
supplychainpy.model_inventory.analyse_orders_from_file_col(file_path, sku_id: str, lead_time: decimal.Decimal, unit_cost: decimal.Decimal, reorder_cost: decimal.Decimal, z_value: decimal.Decimal, retail_price: decimal.Decimal, file_type: str = 'text', period: str = 'months', currency='USD') → dict

Analyse orders from file arranged in a single column.

Analyses orders data for a single sku, using the values from a file arranged in columns.The data should be arranged in two columns, 1 for the period and the other for the corresponding data-point.

  • file_path (str) – The path to the file containing two columns of data, 1 period and 1 data-point for 1 sku.
  • sku_id (str) – The unique id of the sku.
  • lead_time (Decimal) – The average lead-time for the sku over the period represented by the data, in the same unit.
  • unit_cost (Decimal) – The unit cost of the sku to the organisation.
  • reorder_cost (Decimal) – The cost to place a reorder. This is usually the cost of the operation divided by number of purchase orders placed in the previous period.
  • z_value (Decimal) – The service level required to calculate the safety stock
  • retail_price (Decimal) – The price at which the sku is retailed.
  • file_type (str) – Type of ‘file csv’ or ‘text’
  • period (int) – The period of time the data points are bucketed into.
  • currency (str) – The currency of the source data.

The summary of the analysis.

{‘ABC_XYZ_Classification’: ‘AX’, ‘reorder_quantity’: ‘258’, ‘revenue’: ‘2090910.44’, ‘average_order’: ‘539’, ‘reorder_level’: ‘813’, ‘economic_order_quantity’: ‘277’, ‘sku’: ‘RR381-33’, ‘demand_variability’: ‘0.052’, ‘economic_order_variable_cost’: ‘29557.61’, ‘standard_deviation’: ‘28’, ‘safety_stock’: ‘51’}

Return type:


  • Exception – Incorrect file type specified. Please specify ‘csv’ or ‘text’ for the file_type parameter.
  • Exception – Unspecified file type, Please specify ‘csv’ or ‘text’ for file_type parameter.


>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> from supplychainpy.model_inventory import analyse_orders_from_file_col
>>> from supplychainpy.sample_data.config import ABS_FILE_PATH
>>> # text file
>>> RX9304_43_analysis_txt = analyse_orders_from_file_col(file_path=ABS_FILE_PATH['PARTIAL_COL_TXT_SM'],
...                                                   sku_id='RX9304-43',
...                                                   lead_time=Decimal(2),
...                                                   unit_cost=Decimal(400),
...                                                   reorder_cost=Decimal(45),
...                                                   z_value=Decimal(1.28),
...                                                   file_type='text',
...                                                   retail_price=Decimal(30))
>>> #csv file
>>> RX9304_43_analysis_csv = analyse_orders_from_file_col(ABS_FILE_PATH['PARTIAL_COL_CSV_SM'], 'RX9304-43',
...                                                     reorder_cost=Decimal(45),
...                                                     unit_cost=Decimal(400),
...                                                     lead_time=Decimal(45),
...                                                     z_value=Decimal(1.28),
...                                                     file_type="csv",
...                                                     retail_price=Decimal(30))
supplychainpy.model_inventory.analyse_orders_from_file_row(file_path: str, z_value: decimal.Decimal, reorder_cost: decimal.Decimal, retail_price: decimal.Decimal, file_type: str = 'text', period: str = 'month', length: int = 12, currency: str = 'USD') → list

Analyse multiple SKUs from a file with data arranged by row.

  • file_path (file) – The path to the file containing two columns of data, 1 period and 1 data-point for 1 sku.
  • reorder_cost (Decimal) – The cost to place a reorder. This is usually the cost of the operation divided by number of purchase orders placed in the previous period.
  • z_value (Decimal) – The service level required to calculate the safety stock
  • file_type (str) – Type of ‘file csv’ or ‘text’
  • period (str) – The period of time the data points are bucketed into.
  • length (int) – The length of the period.

A list of summaries containint

Return type:


  • Exception – Incorrect file type specified. Please specify ‘csv’ or ‘text’ for the file_type parameter.
  • Exception – Unspecified file type, Please specify ‘csv’ or ‘text’ for file_type parameter.

Examples: >>> from supplychainpy.model_inventory import analyse_orders_from_file_row >>> from supplychainpy.sample_data.config import ABS_FILE_PATH >>> analysed_data = analyse_orders_from_file_row(file_path=ABS_FILE_PATH[‘COMPLETE_CSV_SM’], … reorder_cost=Decimal(45), … z_value=Decimal(1.28), … file_type=”csv”, … retail_price=Decimal(30), … currency=’USD’)

supplychainpy.model_inventory.recommendations(analysed_orders: supplychainpy.inventory.analyse_uncertain_demand.UncertainDemand, forecast: dict) → dict

Generate Recommendations for each SKU and the inventory Profile.

  • analysed_orders (UncertainDemand) – UncertainDemand object of analysed orders.
  • forecast (dict) – Output from a Forecast.

Returns recommendations for each sku and for the inventory profile.

Return type:


Examples: >>> from decimal import Decimal >>> from supplychainpy.sample_data.config import ABS_FILE_PATH >>> from supplychainpy.model_inventory import analyse >>> from supplychainpy.model_inventory import recommendations … >>> analysed_order = analyse(file_path=ABS_FILE_PATH[‘COMPLETE_CSV_SM’], … z_value=Decimal(1.28), … reorder_cost=Decimal(5000), … file_type=”csv”, length=12,currency=’USD’) … >>> holts_forecast = {analysis.sku_id: analysis.holts_trend_corrected_forecast for analysis in … analyse(file_path=ABS_FILE_PATH[‘COMPLETE_CSV_SM’], z_value=Decimal(1.28), … reorder_cost=Decimal(5000), file_type=”csv”, … length=12,currency=’USD’)} … >>> recommend = recommendations(analysed_orders=analysed_order, forecast=holts_forecast)

supplychainpy.model_inventory.summarise(analysed_orders: supplychainpy.inventory.analyse_uncertain_demand.UncertainDemand)

supplychainpy.model_production module

supplychainpy.model_warehouse module

supplychainpy.scratch module

supplychainpy.simulate module

supplychainpy.simulate.get_demand(orders_analysis, period_length)
supplychainpy.simulate.optimise_service_level(frame_summary: list, orders_analysis: list, service_level: float, runs: int, percentage_increase: float) → list

Optimises the safety stock for declared service level.

Identifies which skus under performed (experiencing a service level lower than expected) after simulating transactions over a specific period. The safety stock for these items are increased and the analysis is monte carlo is run again.

  • frame_summary (list) – window summary for each period multiplied by the number of runs.
  • orders_analysis (list) – prior analysis of orders data.
  • service_level (list) – required service level as a percentage.
  • runs (int) – number of runs from previous
  • percentage_increase (float) – the percentage increase required

Updated orders analysis with new saftey stock values based optimised from the simulation. The initial values

from the analytical model.

Return type:


supplychainpy.simulate.random_demand(orders_analysis=None, period_length=None) → list
supplychainpy.simulate.run_monte_carlo(orders_analysis: list, runs: int, period_length: int = 12) → list

Runs monte carlo simulation.

Generates random distribution for demand over period specified and creates a simulation window for opening_stock, demand, closing_stock, delivery and backlog for each sku in the data set. Creates a transaction summary window for inventory movements.

  • orders_analysis (list) – list of UncertainDemand objects, containing the results of inventory analysis.
  • period_length (int) – The number of periods define the simulation window e.g. 12 weeks, months etc.
  • runs (int) – The number of times to run the simulation.

A list containing the transaction summary for each period.

[[{‘closing_stock’: ‘0’, ‘backlog’: ‘240’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘6009’, ‘po_raised’: ‘PO 49’, ‘revenue’: ‘1145799’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘1700’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘1’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘240.4612’, ‘po_received’: ‘’, ‘delivery’: ‘0’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘48621’, ‘demand’: ‘1940’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘1699’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘240’, ‘backlog’: ‘852’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘6380’, ‘po_raised’: ‘PO 59’, ‘revenue’: ‘0’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘0’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘2’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘611.5989’, ‘po_received’: ‘’, ‘delivery’: ‘0’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘123665’, ‘demand’: ‘612’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘0’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘0’, ‘backlog’: ‘383’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘6152’, ‘po_raised’: ‘PO 69’, ‘revenue’: ‘162070’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘240’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘3’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘383.4993’, ‘po_received’: ‘’, ‘delivery’: ‘0’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘77543’, ‘demand’: ‘624’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘240’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘4463’, ‘backlog’: ‘383’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘1689’, ‘po_raised’: ‘PO 79’, ‘revenue’: ‘2749508’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘0’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘4’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘0.000000’, ‘po_received’: ‘PO 49’, ‘delivery’: ‘6010’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘0’, ‘demand’: ‘1547’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘4079’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘8002’, ‘backlog’: ‘0’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘0’, ‘po_raised’: ‘’, ‘revenue’: ‘5393458’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘4463’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘5’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘0.000000’, ‘po_received’: ‘PO 59’, ‘delivery’: ‘6381’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘0’, ‘demand’: ‘2841’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘8002’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘13594’, ‘backlog’: ‘0’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘0’, ‘po_raised’: ‘’, ‘revenue’: ‘9162457’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘8002’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘6’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘0.000000’, ‘po_received’: ‘PO 69’, ‘delivery’: ‘6153’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘0’, ‘demand’: ‘561’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘13594’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘13144’, ‘backlog’: ‘0’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘0’, ‘po_raised’: ‘’, ‘revenue’: ‘8859056’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘13594’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘7’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘0.000000’, ‘po_received’: ‘PO 79’, ‘delivery’: ‘1690’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘0’, ‘demand’: ‘2140’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘13144’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘11666’, ‘backlog’: ‘0’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘0’, ‘po_raised’: ‘’, ‘revenue’: ‘7862688’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘13144’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘8’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘0.000000’, ‘po_received’: ‘’, ‘delivery’: ‘0’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘0’, ‘demand’: ‘1478’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘11665’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘8542’, ‘backlog’: ‘0’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘0’, ‘po_raised’: ‘’, ‘revenue’: ‘5757540’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘11666’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘9’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘0.000000’, ‘po_received’: ‘’, ‘delivery’: ‘0’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘0’, ‘demand’: ‘3123’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘8542’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘7832’, ‘backlog’: ‘0’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘0’, ‘po_raised’: ‘’, ‘revenue’: ‘5278665’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘8542’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘10’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘0.000000’, ‘po_received’: ‘’, ‘delivery’: ‘0’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘0’, ‘demand’: ‘710’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘7831’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘5379’, ‘backlog’: ‘0’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘389’, ‘po_raised’: ‘PO 149’, ‘revenue’: ‘3625634’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘7832’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘11’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘0.000000’, ‘po_received’: ‘’, ‘delivery’: ‘0’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘0’, ‘demand’: ‘2453’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘5379’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}] [{‘closing_stock’: ‘3799’, ‘backlog’: ‘0’, ‘po_quantity’: ‘1969’, ‘po_raised’: ‘PO 159’, ‘revenue’: ‘2560610’, ‘opening_stock’: ‘5379’, ‘index’: ‘9’, ‘period’: ‘12’, ‘shortage_units’: ‘0.000000’, ‘po_received’: ‘’, ‘delivery’: ‘0’, ‘shortage_cost’: ‘0’, ‘demand’: ‘1580’, ‘quantity_sold’: ‘3799’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-217’}],…]

Return type:


supplychainpy.simulate.run_transactions(random_demand: list, period_length: int, orders_analysis: list) → list

Summarizes the simulation frame Generates a summary for run window, into 1 transaction summary for all the runs.

Parameters:window_summary (list) – window summary for each period multiplied by the number of runs.
[{‘variance_opening_stock’: ‘5007’, ‘maximum_opening_stock’: 13805, ‘maximum_backlog’: 2278.0,
’minimum_quantity_sold’: 0.0, ‘average_backlog’: ‘218’, ‘minimum_opening_stock’: 0, ‘average_quantity_sold’: ‘7204’, ‘maximum_quantity_sold’: 13805.0, ‘minimum_closing_stock’: 0, ‘standard_deviation_backlog’: ‘628’, ‘standard_deviation_quantity_sold’: ‘4636’, ‘maximum_closing_stock’: 13805, ‘standard_deviation_closing_stock’: ‘4755’, ‘average_shortage_units’: ‘2278’, ‘service_level’: ‘91.67’,’minimum_backlog’: 0.0, ‘average_closing_stock’: ‘7115’, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-240’},…]
Return type:list
supplychainpy.simulate.summarize_window(simulation_frame: list, period_length: int = 12)

Summarizes the simulation window and provides the stockout percentage for each sku.

Provides a summary of inventory transactions, for the full period length for each run.

  • simulation_frame (list) – A collection of simulation windows.
  • period_length (int) – The number of periods define the simulation window e.g. 12 weeks, months etc.

A list containing the results for each sku.[{‘maximum_opening_stock’: 13181.0,

’standard_deviation_closing_stock’: 4407.468727436796, ‘standard_deviation_backlog’: 485.2568835735928, ‘variance_backlog’: 235474.24305555542, ‘minimum_backlog’: 0.0, ‘maximum_closing_stock’: 13181.0, ‘standard_deviation_shortage_cost’: 348.8327422580442, ‘variance_opening_stock’: 20387450.520833332, ‘average_opening_stock’: 6350.75, ‘minimum_quantity_sold’: 0.0, ‘standard_deviation_opening_stock’: 4515.246451837744, ‘stockout_percentage’: 0.0833333358168602, ‘maximum_backlog’: 1337.0, ‘sku_id’: ‘KR202-240’, ‘standard_deviation_revenue’: 4489.574661244527, ‘maximum_quantity_sold’: 13181.0, ‘total_quantity_sold’: 76742.0, ‘variance_quantity_sold’: 20156280.638888914, ‘minimum_closing_stock’: 0.0, ‘variance_closing_stock’: 19425780.583333332, ‘variance_shortage_units’: 121684.28207126712, ‘index’: ‘32’, ‘average_closing_stock’: 6461.5, ‘total_shortage_units’: 1337.80962, ‘maximum_shortage_units’: 1266.604, ‘minimum_shortage_units’: 0.0, ‘average_backlog’: 216.9166717529297, ‘minimum_opening_stock’: 0.0}…]

Return type:


supplychainpy.supplychain module


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